first of all, I want to wish thank to everyone that take time to read my blog.
Third week with BEL 311. Our class is more focus about our term paper assignment.
As we has decide our broad topic, for this class, we must decide our narrow and focused topic.
For this task,we are need to use PARAPHRASING. Of course all of u want to know what is Paraphasing??
Actually, Paraphasing is.......
P Paraphrasing is a rewriting or clauses,sentences,phrases or paragraphs or any part of a text in
different words and syntax from the original.
COMmonly used paraphrasing techniques
• Overuse of ground water would cause widespread dryness.
Widespread dryness would be a result of overuse of ground water.
That mean, equal meaning to original text with using other word or pattern. we also can rewriting someone idea and must give a reward to them. The reward means we must allocated his/her name in their idea.
That all for today. bye......
COMmonly used paraphrasing techniques
- synonyms
- Moving phrases
- Changing voices
- Changing parts of speech
- Sentence combining
Overuse of ground water would lead to pervasive drought.
Overuse of ground water would cause widespread dryness.
• Overuse of ground water would cause widespread dryness.
Widespread dryness would be a result of overuse of ground water.
That mean, equal meaning to original text with using other word or pattern. we also can rewriting someone idea and must give a reward to them. The reward means we must allocated his/her name in their idea.
That all for today. bye......
26.06 2012 ( TUESDAY )
Hello Guys,
As usual, tuesday class at night.
With our patner, we must present our Broad, Narrow and Focussed topic.
Some comment from Miss Zu with our topic. She lend her mind to help us about the topic.
Because time is running up, only certain group already present their topic.
Other then rest must be continue tomorrow...
I also does not present yet.. owh. tomorrow is my turn..
ok! see you tomorrow.......
27.06.2012 ( WEDNESDAY )
Meet agains....
Today class is continuing with whom does not yet present their topic.
Ok, today is my turn. Some nervous feeling.. Our topic might be accepted or rejected.
Our topic was accepted but some correction from miss Zu and other classmate members.
Thank a lot to them.
all patner already done their explaination...
ok. that all. :)